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Mastery of Emotions

Emotion is one of the innate qualities of human species. There nothing as good or bad emotion. It is a person’s response to an event or another person. If we don’t respond appropriately or lose control, we may hurt ourselves as well as others. Therefore, it is crucial for us to manage our emotions well and keep it under control. To help you better master your emotions, the followings are some good tips for you.

  1. Be aware of the signals of negative emotions, such as face flush, rapid heartbeat and confusion.
  2. Breathe in slowly, divert attention by exercising, taking a walk or window shopping, or talking it out to a friend, etc.
  3. Talk to yourself positively: Positive thinking helps you manage your emotions effectively. For example, you may tell yourself: “I can do something to make me happy.”
  4. Ask yourself reflectively: “Am I being trapped in rumination? Do I start thinking negatively? What is it that triggers my emotions?
  5. Keep a smart card handy with your favorable mottos or golden sayings to remind yourself ourselves of positive emotions.