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Do Not Let Your Work Stress Invade Your Family

Do Not Let Your Work Stress Invade Your Family


Have you been working overtime every evening that you have no time to take care of your family? Have you ever been treating your family members like a “punching bag” to ease your work stress? To avoid letting your work stress invade the family, you may learn the following de-stressing techniques:


Warm Family Meal.

Proper diet can relieve one’s pressure. After work, you can have a non-spicy, no fried, and a low-calorie dinner with your family. After dinner, you can have a glass of alcohol-free or caffeine-free drink, or even a cup of boiled water with your family. Cheers together and fill your house with love and warmth.


Family Sports Fun Day.

You can always take a walk in the park with your family after dinner, or organize a family hiking fun day or go cycling along the harbour during holidays. Sports not only help us relax, but is also likely to improve our work efficiency and enhance family relationship.


Rest and Relax.

If you have work stress, make use of your rest time for sleeping, meditation, deep breathing, muscle relaxation exercises or listening to music. All of them are helpful for stress relief.


Mutual Support.

Family member is not your “punching bag”. If there is mutual understanding, tolerance and support within the family, it can become the best shelter of yours. Your family members will find you more lovely and approachable as you learn to relax yourself.