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3 Keys to a Positive Psychology of Life

3 Keys to a Positive Psychology of Life


According to Dr. M.E.P. Seligman, the father of positive psychology, authentic happiness can only be achieved by pursuing positive emotions and savoring positive feelings from life’s pleasures. This involves 3 key notions to positive psychology of life:


Treasure What You Own

Write down whatever you are currently thankful for, no matter how trivial it is. This may help you focus on experiencing gratitude. Be ready to show your appreciation in action, i.e. by writing a thank you letter or saying thank you in person.


Nurture Optimism

Nurture your optimism by ABCDE model:


Note down unpleasant experiences.



Explore the thoughts emerging from such experiences.



Think about what consequences may come about.



Dispute any negative thoughts associated with that process.



Cheer up yourself or give yourself some recognition whenever possible.


Savor Life’s Joys

Pay attention to momentary pleasures and wonders. Take at least 2 to 3 minutes to re-experience these pleasurable moments everyday